1) At the Lake Home Show - a couple came up and had a nice set of pics of an enormous barn that is out in Montevideo near South Dakota. A huge barn, tons of wood, and a jungle of beams. I am thinking on this...but in reality...the days to take it down, the distance to haul it all, and the equipment it would take to do it right may make this a poor fit. Mostly because its so far away.
2) A local woman stopped in the Bluff Country Gallery where I volunteer and we talked about me making a cool buffet like table from a 17: wide piece of wood from an aging barn on their property. We got to talking, and they want the barn to come down soon, but have not quite emotionally separated themselves from it...but it sounds like a massive barn in my own backyard!
3) Just up the road about 1/4 mile is a classic farm dump. A small ditch off the side of the road that a few local farmers dispose of "junk". There has been an accumulating pile of boards, rafters and old building stuff that has grown over the years. Some of it interesting. I often walk by this spot and keep an eye on it. Today I left email for my neighbor asking them if they know who to contact regarding maybe sifting through the pile and taking whats useful. There is a lot of nice maybe 50 year old pine tongue and groove....we'll see.
4) I stopped at the local Spring Grove "brush dump" today. A frequent stop when I am in the mood. This is the local township spot for tree, branch, leaves, and brush disposal. There is a massive 36" Maple log up there right now. It would make some really cool slices for coffee tables or the like...but I doubt I will act on it. Not a lot of call for those. I often get some awesome Curly Willow trimmings, straight willow for trim work, and maple branches for my Adirondack work right here at the "local dump".
5) And lastly....when I was in the gallery yesterday I was noticing a great White Oak Burl table by Roger Meyer, a local artist and bowl turner. It made me think I have not talked to him in a while and I called to see if he might sell me a slab of that awesome burl or if he had any other leads. He gave me the name of a guy that called just yesterday about 100 miles from here that has a 40-inch!!!!! Burr Oak Burl with 5 feet of log still attached. A 600 pound monster and an extraordinarily rare sized burl!!! He may come to Spring Grove in a few weeks for the Bluff Country Artist Tour and may bring it with. I agreed to maybe making him a really cool heirloom table from it in exchange for the whole thing once I see it!!

So, just about every week an assortment of opportunity from small to large presents itself for an abundance of material...all free for the taking, or available for an interesting barter! Its amazing what we throw away, and what goes to waste...I am glad I get a chance to save some of it and move it along to its next life!
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